
HAMAKOM MEMBER SURVEY: Please take a few minutes to answer some questions about the future of HaMakom. This is your community -- we want to know what you want HaMakom to be! We'll hold a Town Hall on January 14 from 7-9pm at the Well House at St James Anglican Church to review and discuss your thoughts. Your answers will be anonymous. Thank you!
-- The HaMakom organizing committee

1. How often would you be interested in gathering for a community Shabbat service?
2. When would you prefer to gather for a community Shabbat service?
3.    Where would you be interested in gathering for a Shabbat? (Choose all that apply)
4.    Would you want to include Shabbat dinner with each community Shabbat service?
5.     If yes, would you prefer the dinner be catered, in a restaurant or potluck? (Choose all that apply)
6. To what extent do you feel it’s necessary to have a rabbi at every community Shabbat service? 
7. If a rabbi is not present and guidance is provided in advance, would you be willing and able to lead prayers or discussion on the Torah portion of the week?
8.    Would you be interested in hosting or attending a “Shabbat for 8,” with groups of up to 8 people gathering at different homes for a service and meal on a particular Shabbat? This could include blessings over the wine and challah, singing, a group discussion, and blessings after the meal. Guidance would be provided. (Choose all that apply)
9.    Would you be interested in attending and participating in Havdalah gatherings on Saturday evenings?
10. Besides gathering on Shabbat, we’d like to continue gathering on festivals and holidays, including High Holy Days, Hanukkah, Sukkot, Pesach, Purim, Tu B’shvat, and others. List the festivals and holidays that you’d like to celebrate together, and how you’d like to celebrate them: e.g., prayers, meals, candle-lightings, study sessions, etc. Don’t worry about spelling. We’ll understand! (If none, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
11. For festivals and holidays, how often would you like a rabbi to be present? As often as possible, four times a year, or tell us the frequency you would prefer: (If not applicable, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
12. As we step into becoming a full-fledged synagogue, what life-cycle and other services would you like to see provided to the congregation? Examples include brit milah/baby naming, mourning rituals -- burial, shiva, memorials -- weddings, b’nai mitzvah, pastoral care for illness, etc. Please list the services you’d like to see from HaMakom. (If none, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
13. If you have any children or family members who would like to celebrate bar or bat mitzvah ceremonies with HaMakom, please let us know their ages and when they will turn 13 -- or if they are adults, or if you yourself are interested, when they (or you) would like such a ceremony: (If not, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
14. Would you be interested in joining or volunteering for a chesed (acts of loving kindness) committee to help support members of our community in times of need?
15. We are a musical community. Tell us the types of music that speak to you during a service. It could include chanting, acoustic guitar, choir, piano, formal, informal, etc. (If none, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
16. Are you comfortable meeting at a church or church-affiliated community space?
17. If not, can you suggest alternative locations? (if not applicable, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
18. How important is it to have a dedicated space of our own where we would meet regularly?
19. Are you interested in Jewish learning opportunities, either in-person or online?
20. If yes, please specify the type of learning and format (if not applicable, write "NA" or scroll to skip):
21. Would you be interested in learning Hebrew?
22. Would you be interested in Israeli folk dancing or similar cultural activities?
23. If yes, please describe: (If not, write "NA" or skip)
24. Is participating in tikkun olam/social justice/larger community events important to you?
25. What skills or talents are you prepared to contribute to our emerging community? (If not applicable, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
26. Is there anything we did not cover or anything else you would like to tell us about your preferred method of experiencing Judaism? (If not applicable, write "NA" or scroll to skip)
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